1 - 12 of 25 results

Trees on the Serengeti

This activity explores images of tree growth in the Serengeti over time, which serve as a phenomenon for learning about and modeling species interactions in ecosystems.

Environmental Science
Science Practices
Phenomenal Images
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Modeling COVID-19 Control Measures on a Cruise Ship

This case study follows a 2020 COVID-19 outbreak on a cruise ship to highlight how control measures like lockdown impact disease spread.

Science Practices
Case Studies
High School — AP/IB

Learning Scientific Language with a Graphic Organizer

This activity guides students through learning and using key scientific terms, culminating in the creation of a customizable diagram.

Science Practices
Skill Builders
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Modeling the Structure of DNA

In this activity, students build a paper model of DNA and use their model to explore key structural features of the DNA double helix. This activity can be used to complement the short film The Double Helix.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Science Practices
Labs & Demos
High School — AP/IB

White-Nose Syndrome in Bat Populations

This activity guides the analysis of a published scientific figure from a study that modeled the impact of an infectious fungal disease on a bat population.

Environmental Science
Science Practices
Data Points
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Modeling Food Webs in Darién, Panama

In this activity, students use cards to build model food webs and evaluate how ecological disturbances affect each trophic level using information from the citizen science website WildCam Darién.

Science Practices
Card Activities
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Predator-Prey Relationship Dynamics

This activity guides the analysis of a published scientific figure from a study about Arctic fox populations and their main prey, lemmings.

Science Practices
Data Points
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Modeling Trophic Cascades

In this activity, students model trophic cascades using cards of organisms from seven different habitats. The activity is designed to illustrate the species relationships in a food chain and the effect of predators on the trophic levels below.

Science Practices
Card Activities
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Viral Lysis and Budding

This activity outlines two demonstrations that model how enveloped and nonenveloped viruses are released from infected cells.

Science Practices
Labs & Demos
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

HIV Receptors and Co-receptors

This demonstration models the first step of the HIV life cycle: the binding of HIV envelope proteins to receptors on human helper T cells.

Anatomy & Physiology
Science Practices
Labs & Demos
High School — General
High School — AP/IB