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Inheritance and Mutations in a Single-Gene Disorder

This activity builds on information presented in the short film Genes as Medicine. Students interpret actual pedigrees to determine the inheritance pattern of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), an inherited form of blindness. They also examine protein sequence data to explore mutations that can cause LCA.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

DNA Profiling Activity

This multipart activity is designed to give students a firm understanding of genetic profiling using short tandem repeats (STRs), which is a process used by forensics labs around the world.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Case Studies
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Blood Glucose Data Analysis

This activity extends concepts covered in the film Got Lactase? The Co-evolution of Genes and Culture. Students infer whether someone is likely to be lactase persistent or nonpersistent based on the data from two different tests.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Science Practices
High School — General
High School — AP/IB

Milk: How Sweet Is It?

In this activity, students simulate a lactose tolerance test, similar to the one shown in the short film The Making of the Fittest: Got Lactase? The Co-evolution of Genes and Culture, to determine which samples contain the lactase enzyme.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Anatomy & Physiology
Science Practices
Labs & Demos
High School — General
High School — AP/IB